U.S. English Foundation Research



Language Research

5. Costs: What does it cost in terms of money, time and government resources to police the country’s language restrictions?

Updated (October 2002)


Gagauz identity remains confused because, as a consequence of totalitarian past and russification, the majority of people continue to speak Russian instead of their native language. Also, most Gagauz leaders are pro-Russian and they tend to reject Romanian Moldovans constituting the majority. Moldovan critics and foreign observers allege that Russian is the main language used in Gagauz government offices.

In response to Gagauz demands, the central government in 1992 established a new University in Comrat. This university was established in spite of there had already existed a Department for National Minorities at the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga,” in Chisinau ensuring higher education accessibility for minorities and a sufficient number of teachers in the communities populated by Gagauz and Bulgarians minorities. Because until now the subjects at the University of Comrat have been taught in Russian, young people are not familiar with either the Romanian or Gagauz languages.

Source: World Congress on Language Policies, Barcelona, April 16-20, 2002, “The Republic of Moldova: Dimension of the Gagauz socio-linguistic model,” by Ana Coretchi (Moldova), Ana Pascaru (Moldova), C. Stevens (USA), http://www.linguapax.org/congres/taller/taller3/ article15_ang.html

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